Wednesday, 18 October 2017


Hello Preciouz!
It has been several months since I posted something TT I'm sorry, Things here are so hectic that I barely breath and sleep. I'm in the third year as student engineer that's why I don't have enough time to post or even sleep. Stress, Lack of sleep, unhealthy habit are the main factors that make my skin break out badly. I realized that it was getting worsen day by day in this semester. I browsed thru intsagram and found this amazing Skincare product from local brand! called Haple.I gave it try , and been using it for a week so lemme give it a review : Haple Rose Water, Grapeseed Oil, and Rice Bran Oil.

OMG! Guys udah lama banget aku ga update blog karena bener-bener sibuk di kampus apalagi aku udah tingkat 3 dan teknik is so hectic. Bahkan untuk main dan tidur aja susah, kaya napas aja udah syukur. Stress, kurang tidur, dan pola hidup ga sehat di semester ini ngebuat kulit aku breakout jerawatan gitu, ew banget pokoknya. Sedih banget kalo ngaca, nah pas banget aku nemu skincare line ini di instagram Haple dan sukaaa! Yuk simak review nya : Haple Rose Water, Grapeseed Oil, and Rice Bran Oil!

Haple is an Indonesian Local Brand, that aims people to wearing animals and cruelty free products.  Haple is serving you their “Happiness Products”. Why Happiness Products? Because all of our products are animals and cruelty free, we don’t have to kill anything to make our products.

Haple adalah lokal brand dari Indonesia dimana produk nya bebas dari hewani serta proses pengujian hewan (cruelty free) maka dari itu mereka menyebutnya sebagai "Happiness Product"

I bought 3 products that on a package consist of 2 oils: Grapeseed Oil and Rice Bran Oil ; and 1 Rose Water. Each products have their own function. I got this package since my skin break out so I needed skincare to cure it. 

Ada 3 produk yang aku beli dalam satu paket ini, yaitu 2 oil/minyak : Grapeseed Oil dan Rice Bran Oil; dan 1 Rose Water. Dari masing-masing produk yang diatas sebelumnya memiliki fungsinya masing masing dimana untuk itu aku membeli dengan tujuan menyembuhkan jerawat-jerawat. 


As you can see above this Rose Water contain 100% pure Rose Water that has 10 function, such as :
- Balancing the skin pH
- Controls Excess Oil
- Has Inflammatory effect
- Deep cleanser and moiturizer
- Hydrate, revitalize, and moisturize
- Wound Healing acid
- Refreshed and purity the skin
- Has Anti-aging effect
- Treatment for Dandruff and damaged hair become soft

After using for a week, twice a day in the morning and evening as part of my skincare ritual. I feel like this Rose Water does a great job on balancing pH, moisturize, revitalize, and refresh my skin well. The scent of this Rose Water is so gentle and long lasting like rose hint. This Rose Water can be used with Haple oil for the best result.

Setelah pakai ini selama seminggu, di pagi dan malam hari sebagai bagian dari skincare routine. Aku ngerasa ini bener-bener nge balance pH kulit, melembabkan, menyegarkan, dan efek refresh gituuu. Poin Plus adalah aku suka banget sama wanginya yang soft gitu dan tahan lama. Nah buat hasil maksimal bisa di pake barengan sama minyak nya

Direction : Spray all of your face before using the oil
Price : IDR 39,000


This Grapeseed Oil is claimed that can help and prevent acne, also is the best for taking care for oily to combination skin with sebum control function. After using this oil for a week I realize that my acne getting better shortly, and looking good. This oil has thin texture but heavier than water, it may take some time to be absorbed. I saw the result quickly as my acne gone. 

Nah kalo Grapeseed Oil ini klaim bagus untuk kulit berjerawat dan oily dimana bisa mengontrol minyak di wajah, dan memerangi jerawat. Kebetulan kulit aku lagi kering tapi jerawatan karena beberapa faktor, dan setelah pakai ini jerawatnya kempes dongg! Yeay suka banget banget! Tekstur nya tuh bisa dibilang buat minyak tuh ringan gitu ga berat jadi suka, butuh waktu untuk meresap. Tapi intinya ini bagus banget buat memerangi jerawat! bisa dilihat di foto dibawah!

Direction : 2-3 drops in the morning & 4-5 drops in the evening with 1:1 ratio if you mixing two oils.
Price : IDR 49,000

*anyway, my skin color changed due to day light - Outdoor activities during weekdays


The Next Product is Rice Bran Oil. The main differences between the Grapeseed Oil are the function which is this rice bran oil help to brighten, improve, moisturize, and even out your skin. This product got better moisturizer and it helps me a lot with moisturize thingy! I've been feeling that this product is good for fixing, moisturizing, and taking care of my skin. Meanwhile, I don't get the brigthening effect yet because of many factors. One of them is too many outdoor activities and forgot about my sunblock TT

Berbeda dari Grapeseed Oil dimana fungsi utamanya untuk melawan dan merawat kulit berjerawat dengan kondisi berminya, Rice Bran Oil ini memiliki fungsi mencerahkan, meratakan, memperbaiki tekstur kulit. Tekstur nya sama dengan grapeseed oil dimana untuk kategori oil masih tergolong thin. Selain itu efek yang disarankan baru melembabkan dan memperbaiki tekstur kulit dari sebelumnya, Efek mencerahkan belum terlihat karena beberapa faktor seperti seringnya berada di tempat sinar matahari juga membuat kulit menjadi kusam dan gelap (Maafin guys lupa pake sunblock :( abisnya hectic banget , tidur aja susah)

Direction : 2-3 drops in the morning & 4-5 drops in the evening with 1:1 ratio if you mixing two oils.
Price : IDR 59,000

I think that's all for today. I should say that everyone who need a good skincare for their skin should give it a try for these lovely skincare products from Haple. If you have dry skin type you can try their avocado oil with rose water. They have many selections for different skin type, so get one !



*ps: this is not sponsored product. I bought all of the products with my own money. 
This is a honest Review


  1. Wahhh iya dia calming jerawatmu yah! Penasaran bgt aku mau cba kebetulan lg cari oil product :(( hihi nice review sya��

    1. iyaaa makanya luv banget!! Ayoo cobaa beneran bagus dan worth it! thanks for visiting kak aul!!

  2. Halo mau nanya dong, kamu pas jerawatan itu pake acne spot treatment yang lain ga? Misalnya kaya benzolac/acnol, atau pure cuma pake oil ini aja?

    1. Halo, aku ga pake acne spot treatment lainnya cuma di tambah toner cuka apel aja sebelum pake rose water. maaf ya baru jawab

  3. Kalo di mix biasanya kamu grapeseed berapa tetes rice bran berapa tetes?

    1. Hallo Annida,
      Biasanya aku campur Grapeseed 3 tetes, Rice Bran 1 atau 2 tetes

  4. tertarik deh liat bekas jerawatnya memudar cuma dalam seminggu.

  5. Halo kak, kalo misal oil nya aku mix sama cream, misal sunscreen gitu, bisa gk ya?

    1. halo widya, aku lebih saranin kamu layering aja, jadi kamu pake face oil sebelum pake sunscreen

  6. Hii syarah..kebetulan aku jg pesan item yg sama dgn yg km review diatas via ig (telat bgt ya akunya 😂) tp brgnya lg OTW 😅.kebetulan jg aku pake cuka apel. Btw sampe skrg masih pake oil productnya haple & cuka apel jg gak? Klo iya hasilnya gmna??


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